May 12

Car Free Day – Reclaim the Streets!

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: 12/05/2019
: All Day

After the success of the first Cardiff Car Free Day, where many residents remarked on how peaceful the city centre was without the constant noise of traffic, Cardiff Council is putting on the second Car Free Day in May. Visitors are encouraged to travel to the event using ‘active travel’ methods such as by foot or by bike – or using public transport, such as the Park and Ride schemes.


Campaign group Cardiff Cycle City suggested the roads were not closed, but “open to families, open to fun”.


A further dimension to Car Free Day, was the monitoring of air pollution levels in central Cardiff on the day which suggested that nitrogen dioxide levels dropped by an average of 69% during a car-free day in the Welsh capital.


If you would like to find out more about the air pollution affecting the city and the council’s efforts to reduce it, including its current public consultation, please visit the Council’s Clean Air Cardiff page


For travel advice and road closures on the day see information on the Cardiff Council website

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