May 13

Clean Air Cardiff

Cardiff Council has just launched the ‘Clean Air Cardiff’ public consultation. Air pollution is probably the single most important health issue affecting the people of Cardiff today, and more specifically vulnerable groups such as the children and the elderly.

Recent work by Public Health Wales estimates that the equivalent of over 220 deaths each year among people aged 30 and over, in the Cardiff and Vale Health Board area, can be attributed to Nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) pollution with many more citizens suffering ill health as a consequence of poor air quality.  

As well as looking to curtail the effects of air pollution, this consultation represents an opportunity to consider how we can create a more liveable and pleasant city by promoting the health benefits of active travel alternatives such as cycling and walking.

The Council has been undertaking a detailed study into air quality as a result of a legal requirement which has been placed on the Welsh Government, which requires the Council to take action to reduce pollution levels (NO2) to the legal limit which is set out in European legislation in the shortest possible time.​

To find out further information and to take part in the consultation, please visit the Council’s Clean Air Cardiff page.

As one of the ways to tackle air pollution in the city centre, the council is hosting its second Car Free Day on Sunday 12th May (See Events section below).

View further information on the impacts of poor air quality and health​​​​​​​

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